The Journey Begins

At God’s prompting-okay, command-I have begun what may well be a year-long study on Love.

What a topic, right? I have a feeling most of us like to think we understand love, but deep inside know that this one word is too big for us. There is the fact that God is Love, which is immense. Then there is Jesus’ love, which Ephesians 3:19 tells us is “beyond all knowing.” (CJB)–though the author’s prayer is that we know it.

That passage is actually where I began my study. It leapt out at me as I was finishing my most recent read-through of the Bible. This is from the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB), Ephesians 3:17b-19.

Also I pray that you will be rooted and founded in love,
so that you, with all God’s people, will be given strength
to grasp the breadth, length, height and depth of the Messiah’s love,
yes, to know it, even though it is beyond all knowing,
so that you will be filled with all the fullness of God.

So there it is. My goal is to see this prayer answered in me, to be rooted and founded in love, to know His love so that I can be filled with all the fullness of God.

It is going to be a journey, and I invite you to come along.

Celebrating Jesus!
Tammy C

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