Think Before You Throw

Something happened this morning that reminded me of something really stupid that I did many years ago.

Okay, so it wasn’t STUPID…exactly…but it taught me a hard lesson.

I was cleaning and found what looked like a random piece of plastic–something off a toy, or perhaps from a makeup container. I didn’t think twice about it; I just threw it away.

It was probably months later that I realized I had casually thrown away the crystal from Jack’s grandfather’s pocket watch. To say I was crushed would understate matters. Jack forgave me long ago, may not even remember me doing it, but to this day just thinking about it makes me cringe.

How many things in this life do we throw away without really thinking about it? I’m not really talking about “things” anymore. I mean… Do we sometimes throw away relationships over what should be a temporary squabble? Do we throw away… Nah, the list would be endless, but you get the picture.

We need to stop and think, sometimes… “Is this really something that needs to be thrown away, or is there more value here than I’m seeing in this moment?”

Celebrating Jesus!
Tammy C

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