We Lay Our Crowns

There is a line in a song we sing in church: “We bow down. We lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus.”

We sing this song in the present tense, and I recently realized the importance of doing this very thing. We may not wear literal crowns today, but most of us have areas in which we feel we rule, parts of our lives in which we take pride (often rightfully so), places where our “hat” is a crown.

When we lay everything else at Jesus’ feet–our burdens, our brokenness, our sickness, our pain–we should lay these crowns at His feet as well. In doing this, in submitting one’s whole life to Him, you see those strong places strengthened even more; also, when you recognize that no matter how much you “rule” in an area it is He who reigns supreme, you steer clear of the sin of pride.

It is far better to lay one’s crown down that to have it removed as a result of sin.

Celebrating Jesus!
Tammy C

2 thoughts on “We Lay Our Crowns

  1. Bobbi November 12, 2015 / 2:48 pm

    This aligns so well with where I’ve been walking with God the last few months. So often we don’t even stop to realize in how many areas we still wear the crown. I listen often to a Lauren Daigle song where she speaks of giving Him our kingdoms. Same idea as the song you mention. Isn’t it good to have the music to sing and remind us who should be wearing those crowns in all our kingdoms?

    • Tammy M Cardwell November 13, 2015 / 9:27 am

      Yes, Bobbi, it is good to have those songs. I’ve never thought about it before, but I could write numerous posts about how different songs have spoken to my heart, ministering to me powerfully.

      King David knew that too, one assumes, given how many of his compositions are in the book of Psalms.

      Thank you for commenting.

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