The Mechanics of Mistletoe by Liz Isaacson
I’m a reader from way back. Honestly, from the time the black dots on the page first started making sense, I was reading anything and everything I could. That hasn’t changed much and, with Christmas coming, I decided this was a great time to share my favorite series by one of my all-time favorite romance authors.
Her name is Liz Isaacson. Well, it’s actually Elana Johnson; Liz Isaacson is one of her pen names. Elana is a Christian, and all her Liz Isaacson books are distinctly Christian without being preachy. (If you’ve read much Christian literature, you know what I mean.) Her characters are normal people with real issues, and while some of them have strong relationships with God from the start, others don’t, and they all grow in their faith throughout the series. Much like the rest of us.
Wait, I said they’re normal people. In one aspect, the main characters are far from normal: They’re billionaire cowboys and cowgirls. Yes, I love cowboy romances, and I enjoy the billionaire trope. I also appreciate large, tight-knit families, which is great because there are twelve Glovers and they’re all up in each other’s business. They make you want to be one of them.
Lest you think I’m biased and the series probably not all I think it is, consider this.

In October, Elana posted the above to her Feel-Good Fiction Reader Community on Facebook.
So, Sony Affirm, the faith-based arm of Sony Pictures Television, has purchased the rights to the series. As Elana says here, “Sony Television bought the rights to Shiloh Ridge Ranch and they’re going to be writing a pilot episode and a pitch to take out to streaming services, network TV, etc.”
See why I’m encouraging you to buy at least the first of these books for the romance readers on your Christmas list? They’re THAT good!
The Mechanics of Mistletoe, pictured at the top of this article, begins a delightfully full series about the residents of Shiloh Ridge Ranch, a massive family-owned empire. The book launches straight into Bear Glover’s story while he deals with a stressful issue on page one.
Bear felt himself transforming into the grizzly some of his friends and family members often told him he could become. He worked against the instinct, but…
The first time I read it, I had compassion for Bear from the moment I encountered these words in paragraph two. I’m well-acquainted with the challenges of fighting the flesh. At forty-five Bear, the oldest of the Glover clan, is a bit set in his ways, but he’s trying to change. Oh yes, and he’s never been married. He and his cousin, Ranger, took over running the ranch when their fathers passed away far too young, and neither has gone out of his way to find a wife. In fact, none of the siblings and cousins are married and we get the satisfaction of walking through the pleasures and perils of romance with every one of them.
Reading is amazing, but it’s more than just fun or relaxing; it has much power that we usually underestimate. Speaking from experience, my character was developed in large part because of the quality literature I read as a child and teen. Seeing Christians, even fictional followers of Jesus, deal with both life’s challenges and their own weaknesses helped me as I faced mine. Even today, I reflect on things that occur in these books and apply certain lessons to my own life. No, I’m sure that’s not why Elana wrote the books, but it’s a great benefit to me as the reader and one of the reasons I recommend the series to others.
If by chance you’ve read any of Liz’s other books that are set in the small Texas town of Three Rivers, you’ll undoubtedly encounter some of your favorite characters here. She does a fabulous job of building and maintaining community. Yes, that means a true Three Rivers fan has many books to explore and, for a reader like me, that is a very good thing!
I reread the Shiloh Ridge Ranch series at least twice a year. Ok… I’ll be honest. I reread it more often than that: It is my favorite for when I’m in seasons that don’t allow me to read something new that might consume me (I can’t stay up all night anymore.). Revisiting the Glovers is like going home. I know I’m welcome, and that no matter how challenging the day is they’re all in it together. And isn’t that one of the best parts of a good book?
The Mechanics of Mistletoe is available on Amazon

I also suggest wandering around in Feel Good Fiction where you can learn more about Elana/Liz/Jessie and all she has to offer, join her fan group, and discover myriad perks. You can even order directly from her on the site, which would be a true blessing to her since authors don’t make all that much when selling through other companies.
As you gear up for the holidays, I wish you a happy Thanksgiving and a truly blessed Christmas!
Celebrating Jesus!
Tammy C