What if you knew that yes, there will be a Rapture of the Church?
What if you knew exactly when it would be?
(I know… “No man knows the day or the hour.” Just roll with me on this.)
How would that affect your life?
How would it change the decisions you make every day?
What if you knew it would happen next year? Next month? Next week?
If you knew it would be next year, would you slack off in certain areas, comfortable in the knowledge that you “have plenty of time”?
If you knew it would be next month, would you get more serious about your relationship with God because you’ve suddenly realized, “I have hardly any time at all to prepare for the next phase of life!”?
If you knew He was coming back in a few weeks, how would you spend your money today? Would you buy that new pair of shoes you’ve been wanting, or would you give that money to missions in hopes of more people coming to know Jesus before it’s too late?
If you knew He was coming back next week, how would you spend your time? Would you be out watching movies, or would you be getting deeper into His Word, sharing Jesus with everyone you could, and hitting your knees in prayer?
If you knew He was coming back tomorrow…
It’s a fact: No man knows the day or the hour.
We sure can judge the seasons, though, and from the looks of things…
Celebrating Jesus!
Tammy C