THE Best Pizza Cutter

Ok, I’ve made it clear in other posts that I’m an Amazon Associate now. So you can expect to see more product reviews from me and this is the first.

Knowing I wouldn’t have a true kitchen, I got rid of almost all of my cooking & baking supplies. This was NOT one of them. I may or may not be cooking pizzas in my microwave, but there are plenty of other things I’ll be able to cut up with this lovely thing.

The Kitchy Pizza Cutter cuts like a charm and is truly ergonomic. That’s not what really sets it apart for me, though. One of my biggest gripes with most pizza cutters is cleaning. This one solves all cleaning issues. Just pop open the flap and it comes apart into three pieces: plastic cover, clear plastic blade shield, and blade. Wash, dry, and pop it back together.

You can’t see much of the blade shield in this picture, but it’s the clear plastic part on the left, right below the blue. It rolls around and shields the blade in your drawer, which also protects unwary fingers. If you cook pizzas (Or cut up any number of other things.) You would love this.

Kitchy Pizza Cutter Wheel with Protective Blade Cover, Ergonomic Pizza Slicer

Celebrating Jesus!
Tammy C

Don’t Get Ahead of God

One of my group members (Experiencing the Bible for Christians) recently posted something simple that instantly triggered a memory.

Don’t get ahead of God.

It’s kind of obvious. We all know about Abraham and Sarah and how, when they decided to get ahead of God, they ended up with Ishmael – and problems. Even so, this morning, when thinking about her post, I had a flashback.

I’m not sure how old I was. I was definitely old enough to know better, though I was still a kid. We’d gone to the store and were walking across the parking lot with Mother when I decided she and my sister were too slow. So I took off, getting ahead of them. In seconds, Mother called my name in panic and a glance showed me I’d been crossing the path of an oncoming car. Thankfully, the driver had quick responses and I wasn’t hit. I got a good talking to that day. I also learned the absolute necessity of looking both ways instead of running blindly forward.

Don’t get ahead of God.

There’s a reason He holds us to a certain pace, and we have no way of knowing what that reason is until He tells us, if He tells us. When we get ahead of Him, we can really mess things up. When we get ahead of Him, we can also get hurt, sometimes badly. Life can be like that car that was quickly bearing down on me; we need to stay sensitive to our Father and not walk out in front of something that can mow us down.

Don’t get ahead of God.

Celebrating Jesus!
Tammy C