The Miraculous Rise of Israel: Gog and Magog Looming?

Are you following what’s going on in the Middle East? If not, why not?

I mean, if you happen to have stumbled across my blog and you’re not a Christian or Jew, I get it. But if you are a Christian or a Jew and you’re even a little familiar with the book of Ezekiel…

I just hit the pause button because I need to make one important note. If you are relying on the regular news channels for your news, you’re cheating yourself BIG TIME. Just like many of us in the US are currently keeping our eyes on those who actually live in the Appalachian Mountains because we know they will tell us the truth of what is and is not being done for them, those who really want the truth about Israel are turning to Israel for information.

Personally, I follow Amir Tsarfati on the Telegram app. He’s on Instagram, YouTube, etc., as well. I just prefer Telegram. He’s a Christian Jew who lives in Israel. He was a major in the IDF, so he understands the military aspects of what happens. He scours a variety of news networks and social media sources for accurate information. He’s also an expert in End Time Prophecy (eschatology), which is the reason I started following him in the first place.

Ok, back to the point of this post.

Because of what’s going on over there, I’ve been in Ezekiel 36 through 39 this week. Throughout history, many doubted the possibility of the prophecies of Ezekiel 36 and 37 ever being fulfilled but, as we know, they were. The Jews have come so far from having been scattered all over the earth to where they are in Israel today! Israel’s current population is over 9 million; the actual number I found is 9,420,582. I don’t know what percentage of that number is Jews who have returned to their land, but it’s significant.

That number is even more amazing when you consider that Israel of today is only 8,630 square miles. That’s about the size of New Jersey. I’m from Texas, so I had to ask the question, “How many times would it fit in the state of Texas?” Thirty one times. Yes, I mean you could fit Israel into Texas 31 times. At least that’s what everyone’s favorite search engine told me. It is tiny! Do a search for a graphic comparing it to the Arab nations that surround it; it almost disappears.

All of which makes what is happening over there even more mind blowing!

This tiny nation, which has been surrounded by terrorists and nations that want it obliterated for pretty much the entirety of its modern existence… 

I’m a word person, and I almost have no words. Seriously, I sat here staring at my computer for several minutes, trying to figure out what to say next. I can’t recount all of the miracles that have happened over there in recent days. Anyone who is really watching what’s going on, who has even a clue, has got to understand that we’re seeing the supernatural at work.

Yes, Israel obviously has great intel. Yes, they know what they’re doing. Yes, they’re getting assistance from other countries. No, these things cannot account for their continual, astounding successes and so many utter failures by those who attack them. In fact, there are Jews who previously weren’t overly interested in God that are turning to Him now because of the miracles they are witnessing.

One verse that has always made me stop and think is Ezekiel 38:8, where God is talking to Gog. In the New Living Translation it reads, “A long time from now you will be called into action. In the distant future you will swoop down on the land of Israel, which will be enjoying peace after recovering from war and after its people have returned from many lands to the mountains of Israel.”

Did you see it?

which will be enjoying peace after recovering from war

This part has always caused me to question because, even when not actually at war, Israel has always been under attack from someone since the very beginning. Even in times of peace, they’ve had to stay aware of where bomb shelters are and what sirens are going off. It’s been their everyday life throughout modern times. And Ezekiel says they’re going to enjoy true peace, without such threats – after recovering from war?

My friends, given this week’s supernatural miracles (I don’t know how they could be described any other way) I see a very real chance that, very soon, Israel will indeed be enjoying peace after recovering from war.

All around the globe, those who know are saying it: We are truly living in biblical times. We may well see Ezekiel 38’s prophecies fulfilled in the very near future.

I am so convinced that I wrote this in my Bible

Ezekiel 38:8: A month ago I couldn’t see how Israel would reach this place any time soon. Today, Oct. 3, 2024, I can see it. God has worked MIGHTY miracles and next month Israel may well be enjoying this peace!

Celebrating Jesus, and His soon return!
Tammy C

PS: If you want to follow Amir on Telegram, look for the verification check mark. There are MANY fake accounts out there.

PPS: I downloaded the “Red Alert: Israel” app. It notifies me every time Israelis receive an alert about incoming rockets, which lets me know it’s time to pray. That alert has been going off a LOT this week.