Meditations: Ephesians 3:18-19

Copyright Clarissa Pardue 2014
Copyright Clarissa Pardue 2014

Ephesians 3:18-19

…may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height — to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.


And to know this love that passes knowledge… How can one know something that surpasses knowledge? Is He, perhaps, referring here to the difference between “to know” (the experience) and knowledge (the thing)? If I am rooted and established in love, then I am in the place where He can give me the power to know the love of Christ, to lose myself in it as a woman loses herself in her husband or a husband in his wife, becoming one… and not just me as an individual, but me and the rest of the body as one.

There is a difference between standing on the shore, merely looking at the ocean, and being out in a boat surrounded by the water. Only when in the water can you even begin to perceive how long and wide and deep it is. Only then can you experience it.

So we have to be rooted and established in love first, genuinely walking in it, before we can truly gain the power to move on out into LOVE – that being the love of Christ, the love that is God. And only when we know (are one with) the love of Christ can we “be filled with all the fullness of God.” When we truly know (experience and are one with) the love of Christ our prejudices will melt away. How can we be prejudiced against, look down upon, or count less worthy than ourselves, another of His creation…another part of His body…another whom we love? If we walk in the love of Christ we cannot, for those prejudices are outside of love and His love is too high, too long, too wide and too deep for us to be able to reach them.

Celebrating Jesus!
Tammy C

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