SeneGence ShadowSense



LipSense is all the rage on Facebook right now (for good reason) and I will likely review it at some point, but first I absolutely must share about ShadowSense because it is THE BOMB!

These eye shadows, which contain SenePlex Complex (anti-aging formula), come in the same style tubes as LipSense. Application is easy with the wand, and you can blend with your finger, brush, or sponge. I generally dab some dots on my eyelids and smooth them out with my finger. It goes on as a cream, dries to a powder, and after 1 to 2 minutes is set and stays put until you remove it. No kidding! I’ve worn the same eye makeup for three days before!

ShadowSense does not crease. Even if you only use it as a primer, putting other shadows on top to it, your shadow will not crease. It is also extremely versatile. I’ve seen videos where gals used it for everything from eyeliner to contour. This stuff is so awesome it even had me considering signing up to be a rep. After all, with eyeshadow this good, the rest of their products must be amazing too.

There are many SeneGence reps out there, but if you would like to meet mine, Blair Eubank, you can find her at Blair’s site or

Celebrating Jesus!
Tammy C

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