The Rapture Ready House

God has been dealing with me, in the past few days, about getting my house Rapture ready. This is a new concept for me, a responsibility I had never even considered. Yes, I said responsibility. I pray, with the saints of the New Testament, “Come quickly, Lord Jesus!” I pray for those who need to be saved or return to God. I share Jesus. I have been under the mistaken impression that I have been doing all I need to, but God has shown me that the Christian’s responsibility doesn’t necessarily end there.

What God pointed out to me is that many who will be left behind know who we are. They know we are Christians and, thanks to all the books, movies, and talk, they will have a clue what has happened. As soon as they realize we are gone, they will come running to our houses for answers and provision. I now see that I have a responsibility to ensure they find what they’re looking for, to have my house ready for the Rapture.

Rapture readiness will look different in different homes. In my case, I have a framed statement on the wall that explains briefly what will have occurred. I am also rearranging my bookcases so that Bibles and truly helpful books will be most visible. I’ve written one note to place near the Bibles, explaining briefly how important it is that they take them, share them, and study them.

A while back, God also had me buy a week’s worth of survival rations. This stymied me at the time, but later He told me that it wasn’t for us, but for someone else. Now He’s instructed me to write a letter of explanation to add to the box along with a Bible and copies of a message my pastor preached entitled, “Help! I’ve missed the Rapture!” that is specifically directed to those who are left behind.

I’ve learned to take God’s instructions seriously, and I’m working on getting all of this done. He’s been telling me the Rapture is closer than I think. That He has instructed me to prepare my home for it reaffirms what I know He has been saying.

So… I keep my heart right, I pray, I share Jesus, and I’m getting my home Rapture ready. I urge you, strongly, to consider doing the same.

Celebrating Jesus and His soon return!
Tammy C

4 thoughts on “The Rapture Ready House

  1. Bobbi March 18, 2015 / 9:33 am

    Wow! I’ve never thought of this idea before. Definitely something I’ll be praying about. We’re getting ready to move to a new home which I know God has plans for. This might be something to consider as I listen for Him in that.

    • Tammy M Cardwell June 8, 2015 / 4:06 pm

      Thanks, Bobbi! I’m glad you’re inspired and trust your new home will be a wonderful blessing!

    • Tammy M Cardwell June 8, 2015 / 4:05 pm

      I may not agree with your conclusions, my friend, but I very much appreciate your input!

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