In November, I wrote In His Mercy, an entry about my journey with a book He told me to write years ago. I’m making progress!
It’s currently in the hands of some beta readers whose judgement I trust. Once I get that feedback, I’ll make the changes I need to and turn it over to a professional for editing and format tweaking. Then it’s on to cover design and, finally, putting it up for sale on Amazon.
And then the not fun stuff starts. But that’s an issue for another post.
For now, just be proud of me for making it this far. If you read the other post, you know it’s been a long road for what really isn’t that complicated of a book.
God is so.
If He’s told you to do something and you’ve failed Him, He still loves you and still wants to use you. Just step back into the game and get moving.
I did.
Celebrating Jesus!
Tammy C
In His Mercy: https://tammycardwell.com/2021/11/13/in-his-mercy/