A friend recently asked for a photo of my Bible shelf along with input on my favorite Bibles. I’ve been meaning to do this very thing for my readers for nearly a year. My apologies for the delay!
So here begins a tour. As you can see, my Bibles are shelved more by height than anything else. We’re “reading” from left to right, beginning with The Message, which is an excellent paraphrase.

I had been hearing about The Message for quite a while when I stumbled across a copy in the most unique “resale shop” I’ve ever seen. Everything was literally piled, and you crawled around and climbed over said piles in search of gems. My first copy of The Message was one of those gems, and it instantly went on my readthrough list. By this I mean I read it through from Genesis to Revelation. This is, as the publisher is quick to point out in the introduction, a fantastic “reading” Bible.
Unlike most Bibles, this one bears only one translator’s name: Eugene H. Peterson. His story is exceptional, and a little heartbreaking for people like me. Here’s an excerpt from the introduction that answers the question, “Why him?”
“I began my work life as a teacher and for several years taught the biblical languages of Hebrew and Greek in a theological seminary. I expected to live the rest of my life as a professor and scholar, teaching and writing and studying. But then my life took a sudden turn to pastoring in a congregation.
“I was now plunged into quite a different world. The first noticeable difference was that nobody seemed to care much about the Bible, which so recently people had been paying me to teach them. Many of the people I worked with now knew virtually nothing about it, had never read it, and weren’t interested in learning. Many others had spent years reading it but for them it had gone flat through familiarity, reduced to cliches. Bored, they dropped it. And there weren’t many people in between. Very few were interested in what I considered my primary work, getting the words of the Bible into their heads and hearts, getting the message lived. They found newspapers and magazines, videos and novels more to their taste.”
Sadly, I see the same thing in the church today. It’s one of the reasons I keep coming back to this one topic, leaning hard into the fact that we cannot afford to disregard the Word of God. We CANNOT!
As a pastor, Peterson learned to meld the old with the new – the original, common-man languages of the Bible (Hebrew and Greek) with the common language of today. He made the Bible come alive in such a way that the difference in his congregation was noticed by an editor, and he ended up spending ten years creating The Message, a Bible with a specific purpose.
It is meant to be read. Or, as the publisher expresses it, it is a reading Bible, not a study Bible. It’s a Bible designed specifically to get people into and invested in the Word of God. With this purpose in mind, Peterson crafted it very carefully. Not only did he select just the right words to make God’s Word available to modern readers, he also chose to list verse numbers alongside each paragraph rather than presenting verses individually. This can take getting used to but historically the Bible didn’t even have chapter numbers until early in the 13th century and verse numbers waited another 300 or so years to show up.
While chapters and verses are helpful when seeking specific text, they can also lead to reading passages out of context and, as a result, losing part of their richness and meaning. Not interrupting trains of thought with verse numbers, The Message enables us to grasp a more complete picture and, at times, see what the Bible is really saying as opposed to what we thought it said. This is one of my favorite things about quality, modern translations and paraphrases. They take verses that have become so familiar that, as he pointed out, they’ve reached cliche status and put them into words that wake us up and make us start thinking again.
One more note and I’ll move on. Although it’s not a study Bible, Peterson does offer helpful introductions to sections (i.e., The Books of Moses) and chapters. If you’re one who tends to pass over such introductions, I suggest you make an exception. It often helps to begin a journey, even into a new book, with an idea of what’s to come.
Finally, I do realize there are people who have a problem with any and all modern translations, especially paraphrases, but the intention is to make the text available to the reader. As beautiful as the King James is, and most of the scriptures I’ve memorized come from the KJV, it’s not really the language we speak today. As a result, it can be seriously challenging for modern readers. High quality translations and paraphrases like The Message can make a huge difference in understanding and appreciation.
Until next time, I’m…
Celebrating Jesus!
Tammy C